Monday 18 June 2012

weekends are nice when....

you go out and enjoy couplehood! I love going out wth Mr Ling because its actually quite hard to have one. He works the usual 9-6pm job and mine as you girls know is irregular. Weekends seems good but tough when we have different commitments as well as doing things like housework, tagging clothes for upcoming batch etc. So yesterday we went out! We got up early went to Bedok, Tampines, Simei and Clementi before ending our day and headed home! Haha, sounds silly for me because why the heck I go to the East? I saw something in the East long time ago and I really wanted to get it. Also, with our rare 'free time' Mr Ling wanted to explore the East and really walk around and what he called 'understand Singapore better'

We went to library in Clementi and borrowed a book on fashion designing. KAPOW! So many ideas are flowing and yeah, I bet you will know for the next few days I will be thinking of new ideas for our upcoming collection :) oh, what a beautiful Sunday.... I wish I will have that more! :) Oh how can I forget? My girlfriend's wedding is coming and I offered to make her a Angpow box.... so here are the things I got....

and I got really excited and did a portion of te angpow box...

hope the final box will look nice! But as you can see its October... So I still have time to fiddle with new stuff!

Have a great week ahead!

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