Thursday 14 June 2012

PHEW! after fiddling with the new blogspot for SOOO long, I finally can post something here. Well, Blogger has changed alot huh? I guess changes is needed so that we can improve. Choose not to improve and then you get the kapoot.

The reason for creating a new blog instead of posting my post in KAYLENE fanpage because I would like to make this more personal, not so business-y and more importantly an outlet for me to download my thoughts and ideas. Past few days has been very stressing for me and I think I really need to plant my thoughts into some mode so that I can tell myself to move on. Kayde is KAYLENE is basically a blog that anything and everything that is happening to KAYLENE and myself.

I have always been a rather private person where I refused to have my pictures taken, I refused to classify customers as friends and I refused to mix personal life and my business together. HOWEVER, over the months I have grown to 'let loose' and found new friends and also well, unknowingly invited 'mess' into my life. Dont get me wrong. I love ALL my customers and I think we are super blessed with such wonderful people. The problem starts when my customers download their emotional stress and pressure to me, I actually bring them home and sulk for the rest the day. Mr Ling always say I am too involved in each and every 'sad story' but this is KAYDE, something that I inherited from my mum (yes, I told her tt once and she chuckled)  Of course with recent drama mania, I learnt to take thing easy, let loose and remind myself once I step into my home, I must forget the whole drama and move on. I must say I am doing well! Learning well but obviously always the hard way. :S

This blog is very clear. This is strictly a blog that only good and positive things will be recorded. No upsetting post and even there is, there must be a happy ending. I want to inspire all you readers that at the end of the day, the world still moves. I hope you girls will enjoy the ride with me and understand me better as a person and not as KAYLENE's owner (there is a hugeee difference and I will highlight in future)

and FINALLY! i wanna blog about something I saw! SUPER inspiring! Let me get the pictures here...

 LOOK at the colours! Will you dare to wear? I am actually super inspired by the colours! :) now tell me, will you fancy such colours? Will the true fashionista please stand up? I once got a comment on a customer who saw my super colour clash blouse which we designed. She told me it was awful and tasteless and why in the world will I 'design something so hideous' Well, I took the feedback seriously but I must say I have no regrets. Fashion is a very unique thing. I cant please all. But judging from the number of pieces sold for the 'hideous blouse' I would say she happen to fall under the minority side :) I have so many ideas suddenly ooh gotta go now!


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