Tuesday 27 November 2012

Which type of 'Fats' you belong to?

 Take some time to read this girls... Find this super interesting...


Interesting enough, a few customers and friends have been discussing on this topic for the past week. The topic on why customers dont wanna spend some time for themselves by trying on new clothes and investing in a few good classic pieces. The topic can be quite intense actually and I must say We always end up with a BIG sigh. I think its no coincidence that I happen to read this article (Thank God for giving me this post to read) because this topic has been hovering my mind for so long till my head is 'badly blocked' as claimed by my therapist (yeah, i have been visitng a therapist, tell you more next time)

Now, go on, take some time to read the link shown above and read on on my thoughts...

I must say I really feel for the conservative fats as mentioned. Well, in my context, I read it the other way and I would like to add on to the post written. If you ask me and as discussed with a fellow friend, the reason they fall under this category is because somehow they already gave up on themselves. They want to be 'ghost', to blend into the surrounding and do not wish to be noticed. Slowly over time, they ARE really not noticed and soon, they give up on themselves and starts to give up on looking good.

I must add that LOOKING good is not about being a fashionista. It is about being presentable and your presence must be felt. Imagine this, how do you expect to get promoted if your boss dont see you? How do you get a boyfriend if you are not dressed nicely for the ideal man to notice you from afar? How do you get respect by interviewers when you try to apply for a job? How do you expect people to talk to you with respect when you dont even respect yourself in the first place? I really think its sad that there you are blaming yourself on your 'sad or 'unfortunate' life, there are actually ways and things you can do to overcome all these obstacles. And which is why we have launched The Plus Mannequin to cater for these girls. The line of apparels there are safer and at competitive pricing. I am very happy that we made this decision to launch The Plus Mannequin as more customers are emailing me and tell me that their lives has been changed ever since they have known us. They are now able to purchase beautiful clothings in decent quality at a very safe environment.

Someone out there will BOUND to argue with me that I am lucky, I have a husband who loves me for who I am, I have a apparel business which allows me to dress up well. Eh eh, no love, before I start KAYLENE, I was working and earning 1.4k before CPF deduction and my allowance to my mum was $500. You do your own maths and tell me if using 'not earning enough' was a good reason to look neat and presentable. And no, I do not buy cute little things and I do not spend money on titbits and comics. I merely save up to own each piece that I can afford then... I am not trying to spark any outrage here or continue the debate. I am trying my very best to tell you that I want all of you to understand that each of you deserves to be noticed and respected. BUT how can you achieve these if you do not first do something to yourself?

Now, to the 'radical fats' category. As much as I do not agree with these girls, I must say I TOTALLY RESPECT them. At least they are doing something for themselves and making themselves happy. They are genuinely happy to be dressing this way :) Trust me, people who fall under this category are mostly girls who has alot of self love, and confidence. And I truly admire them. But of course there are some thin line which you may over step. Wearing way to short skirts or show VBO too much is not really my cup to tea. BUT again, I respect these girls for their confidence and courage and their decision to be noticed and heard.

As for me and proud to say KAYLENE customers, we are ALL a moderate fat. We truly understand fashion BUT nice on our body and we knows ways to 'cheat' on our visual weight. The customers also know that they uniqueness of each design brought into KAYLENE and they understands the need to look good yet not clash with the masses. KAYLENE has definitely come a long way, we were from Bugis Street and now where we are, we definitely has progressed and grown alot. Many customers who know us 5 years ago still patronise us and understood the importance of owning classic pieces that are timeless and of excellent quality.

So now you know, we do cater for the conservative and moderate fats. We do all these simply because we truly love you and understand what you are going through as a plus size girl. I hope to bring in more outrageous designs for the radical fats (trust me, they still look good, think avant garde designs, not trashy) 

And now I end and leave my question to you, "which fats category do you belong to?" Tell us and let me improve to serve you better!

I am Kayde and I am a plus size blogger

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