Sunday 5 January 2014

BLOG: This 2014.... I WANT YOU TO.....

In the previous post 'Reflections..2013' I mentioned that I will write a blogpost on what I want you girls to do...

Well, the heading sounds a lil harsh and controlling but truth of a matter is that in 2013, I noticed a few habits that we actually have done and honestly I do not think they are good habits. As being one of the leaders in the plus size industry in Singapore, I strongly feel the urge to set a good example and encourage and remind ALL plus size girls to be a better person. Hence past few days, I had made mental notes to myself on what I would like the customers to do (YES I WANT YOU TO FOLLOW THEM...) and even for myself for this 2014. I think time is ticking and let us not waste time on the past. Let us move on and be a better person shall we? Now let us start with....

Many times, I think we forget to give love back to people surrounding us. This includes the aunty you buy your favourite Tau Huey Milk (Soya Milk) from that stall or even to the lady who cleans up after you have finished your lunch. What about the bus driver who you see every morning when you go to work? All I ask is to return a simple smile or a 'Thank you' and you will be surprised how you have actually brightened their day. Giving love back to the others also include doing charity work and even sponsoring a child from World Vision. Charity work is not as difficult as you think. Call a home and ask them if you can gather some friends to help out in cleaning up or even going to visit them and even food donation. Every single bit counts. You will be surprised how much you can give with that little you think you have.

Including myself, I tend to be so afraid to change and to be creative. Often I get remarks on why i couldnt just be brave and take a leap of faith and perform tasks which I always dream but never dare to. Well, I did a little breakthrough in 2013 when we participated in FFF week and it was fannnntastic! But after I got back to my daily routine, I kinda swayed back to my 'usual' This 2014, I promise myself to be different, to be creative and to just take a bigger step, and literally 'jump in and just swim' For you, I hope you will not just keep harping on the 'No time to do this or that' Be creative, find some time to do a weekly planner and start planning what you can do with the spare time you have.

A while back, I actually read from a comment from a American who is not Asian and she mentioned that the lack of Asian FATshionista is making the rest of the plus size Asians depressed. The Asians give up on themselves on looking good and literally gave up on loving themselves. As much as I hate to agree, she is quite right to a certain extend on the comment.
Sad to say, I am not exactly a very fashionable person. I always pride myself as a classic strand of pearls than a thick rocker chain necjlace. This 2014, I will try to be as creative as possible, mix and match and give you girls tips on what you can possibly do with your outfits. Confidence is built from looking good and feeling good. This is something we kinda forget whenever we are late for work. But this 2014, let us try to make ourselves respected by dressing better and looking better! Dont give me the crap that this is not related to you. Nah~ I mean YOU need to rethink your wardrobe and give it a fresh pop! It is already 2014 and you are still hiding behind those jeans and baggy tshirts? NO WAY! Lets try to toss on a simple dress for a starter and a nice lipgloss on before you head out okay? Promise? Pinky Promise??

In 2013, I can recount a few dramatic incidents which kinda upsetted me. One was a lady who was chided off for cutting her queue and was making sacarstic remarks. Te lady who made the remarks didnt realise she was deaf on one of her ears. The other was when I was in a lift and as the door was closing a couple dashed in and the passenger behind me commented on how people should just take escalator and not waste others time. In the end, I realised that the couple was in a rush to somewhere. One more incident was that when I hurt myself foot 3 months back, I removed my brace because I was really feeling uncomfortable. The leg still hurt but I rather remove it and walk a little slower. But guess what? I was being 'accused' of blocking the road and not walking faster.
There must be a reason for everything that has happened in your life. Take some time off and learn to understand the situation and calm your nerves. There is seriously no need to fret and fuss over small stuff. When you realise to take things a little easier and be more understanding, you will realise how beautiful your life is and not filled with angst.

Very often I realise that plus size girls will NEVER want to hear nice compliments. It is like a horrible curse they have just heard whenever someone praised that cute dress you wore or that nice haircut you had. They ill treat themselves by thinking that compliment was fake and full of sacarsm. It is sad to say that when people genuinely compliment you, you just deny that fact. This 2014, when anyone praise me for looking good, I will remind myself to smile and thank them for being so honest with me. :)

and lastly...

Lets face it, you are a plus size girl and even if you want to lose wieght, take note that you will NOT LOSE WEIGHT in just 1 day. It is a slow progress and while you are at it please be patient with yourself. For those who are unable to lose weight due to health reason, please do not punish yourself. REMEMBER it is already a miracle that you are still alive and that you have that ability to see and live this beautiful world. Be thankful that you have a family and that you are not alone, that you have a shelter above you too. I have been stressing this message for the past 6 years and STILL will continue to remind every single one of you to GENUINELY LOVE YOURSELF, LOVE YOUR BODY. Should you hate that body of yours, get your butt up the couch and start exercising! No one will love you if you do not love yourself!

These are the 6 MUST DO in 2014 that I myself will adhere to. Of course there will be days I will sway to the 'dark side' but it is perfectly OKAY! Because I am human and I make mistakes. But I promise myself to be a better person and to return the love to people surrounding me and give myself a chance to be a happy person. Remember that you are one of a kind and there is ONLY one of you in this world. This means you are extremely precious and that you ought to take care of yourself.

Alrighty enough said! Lets move on towards a great 2014 shall we!


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