Tuesday 9 September 2014

Sometimes we just need to get away...

Hello ladies...

It's been a while since I last done a blog post and I decided that since I have an extra off day today, I shall post my recent much needed getaway to Malacca with my family. I havent been updating my post as I was under some sort of 'madness' with my brain and I just couldnt face the world as I used to. I am OKAY now, thanks to my sister and brother in law who suggested doing a mini break to Malacca and thank God Mr Ling was super nice as well, he agreed that we 4 must let go of our daily highly stressed routine and just go. The trip was last minute and we just dunk our clothes into a super tiny luggage... The KAYLENE girls were great too! They knew that I really needed to get out of this town and rescheduled my work shifts so that I can 100% go and enjoy this trip. I wanted to post this up because I remembered very clearly that in my first few post for this blog, I wanted to only document happy things and positive topics. I felt really recharged and I am ready to go! I also wanted to remind you girls that sometimes, we just need to get away from the madness we deal with daily. It can be as simple as taking a day off and just go for a massage or even going to your best friends house for a cup of tea. We all need a little self love to combat those crazy 'noise' that we have to deal with. I hope from this post, it can inspire you to take some time off and love yourself.

And now the question is: "What have I been busy with?"
Some of the closer customers may know that I have been busy preparing with an upcoming project and loads of time and effort has been put in since April'14 this year. Since April, I have been to loads of meetings for this project, and heavily increasing our production for this new project. I spent alot alot alot of money (I cant stress enough on the word 'alot') on fabric and I invested alot of cash on production as well. I thought I was ready for this exciting journey but little did I know, I wasnt at all. Since then, I have been pretty high strung and highly stressed out. The final 'outcome' will ONLY be ready in December and you can imagine the stress I have piled on to my tiny brain. It has becomed so overwhelming and I couldnt breathe. I started to be very emotional, kept talking to people and telling them how much of a failure I am and often imagine what life will be without KAYLENE. I started to lose a lot of faith in myself and dragged myself to meetings and hated decision makings that had to be dealt with. I hated how my body and mind is reacting to this stress. Period.


I am all charged up already after 3 days of laughter, genuine love, slept so well (in car.. haha I am not the driver!) loads of food-porn, sightseeing, golfing and loads of photos. I am now ready to take on the world again and I cant wait to meet you girls in shop again! 

Okay, times up for my blog, gotta share the cute photos I took in Malacca! 

Love the invention of monopod! Along the streets at Jongker Street

Doing silly things like playing Daytona. Anyone has played it since 1994?

I am glad that I had a mad husband to play along with me!

We are not pros but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves

Love this so much!
Remember girls! Sometimes we really need to get out in order to come back and be a better person. I am ready now. Are you?


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