Monday 16 November 2015

New LOGO, New Beginning for Kaylene - Plus Size Designer Boutique

Well, theres been a slight delay...... when I decided to change logo upon moving to the new unit. To be honest, I had advice from a wise lady and she advised me to give the company a fresh start since I am moving to a brand new place! I thought to myself, 'since it has been a tiring 2 years and that I have taken a big jump on this expansion, I might as well follow her advice!"

I really couldnt think of anything that will suit the brand new Kaylene because I didnt know how else I could make the logo look good with a 'hourglass (must be) in the logo' I mean, how did an hourglass has in relation to my brand? I wear plus size apparels! I thought hard about it and decided that maybe a plus size mannequin can replace the hourglass! I asked for approval and the next I know I decided to zoom straight into coming up with a logo with a mannequin...

I figured and doodled, ouuuu mai gosh.. it was tough and I got no inspiration. I was so desperate and that was when I decided to ask for help. I got 2 professionals for help on seperate occasion and it still wasnt speaking to me. There wasnt a nice 'ooomph' feel to it. It was not getting anywhere and some samples here for you to understand why I thought it wasnt 'the one'


I was that close to pulling my hair off because time was running out! How can i go to the upcoming Mercedes Benz STYLO Asia Fashion Week 2015 without a logo? I was really stressed out. The name cards, the printouts, the stand up banner all needed a new logo... I was on a brink of giving up when one day it just happened. As crazy as it sounds, it was as though the universe heard my desperation and decided to give me some help! I was staring on my notepad and miraculously I just started to draw....

I was very clear with what I want. I want my mannequin to be dressed in a nice flowy dress because this is our signature! Kaylene is all about flow and sass! I added a globe because I wanted a representation and reminder that Kaylene - Plus Size Designer Boutiquue deserves to have a international presence and attention. The rest were simple, Firm fonts with clean words, clear to read.

With the clear direction I had in mind and approval, I engaged the 2nd designer again to help on making my logo into reality. In the end, I made some final tweaking and viola! A brand new logo has born...

I hope this brand new logo will enhance and have a better representation on the brand. Let's grow Kaylene - Plus Size Designer Boutique and bring her to greater heights! Let her shine bright across the globe so that more will be able to dress pretty and be confident!